Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) is an independent consulting firm, providing highly qualified solutions and tools to help private companies and business associations performing sustainably. From the early nineties, LCE main business consists in providing consultancy services in the environmental sustainability field, with particular regard to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Eco-design and environmental communication such as Environmental and Sustainability Product Declarations (EPD and SPD). Important activities are also implementation of environmental management systems according to ISO 14001, safety management systems according to OHSAS 18001 and ISO 22000 standards. LCE is based in Italy with offices in Turin and Venice and with more than 500 accomplished business projects and 30 interdisciplinary highly specialized employees. LCE has also relevant experience in European and International projects (i.e., INCO, CRAFT, INTERREG, LIFE, GROWTH and H2020 projects).
Role and Key Contribution to the Project:
LCE is the leader of the Work Package 1 that is dedicated to the definition of cell requirements in term of performance, cost, recyclability, and sustainability (social, environmental, economic) along with the development of a set of KPIs to monitor target achievement and compare them with the state of-the-art.
LCE is also a specific contributor to the Work Package 8 that is dedicated to the validation of all-solid-state Li metal battery cells and modules in pre-industrial conditions according to the requirements defined by Work Package 1.