Solid-State Lithium Metal Battery with in situ Hybrid Electrolyte (SEATBELT) project is to generate a local EU industry that revolves around a cost-effective, robust all-solid-state Li battery comprising sustainable materials by 2026.
SEATBELT consortium is composed of 14 beneficiary partners and 3 affiliated entities, and one associated partner, from 7 European countries with an overall budget of 7 851 448.50€.

Differents partners :
- CNRS 🇫🇷
- LC Engineering 🇮🇹
- Blue Solutions 🇫🇷
- Ampere 🇫🇷
- CSIC 🇪🇸
- CIC Energigune 🇪🇸
- CEA 🇫🇷
- CEMEA 🇸🇰
- Polykey 🇪🇸
- CRM 🇧🇪
- ZSW 🇩🇪
- Euro Support 🇳🇱
- UPV/EHU (Polymat) 🇪🇸
- MEET Battery Research Center 🇩🇪
- ILL 🇫🇷
- Imperial College London 🇬🇧